Time ago some researches linked the high intake of red meat to a higher risk of metabolic, cardiovascular and cancer disease. Regarding cancer some hypothesis have suggested that some factors... read more →
In this post, i would like to talk about the gut microbiota. The gut microbiota has been linked with a lot of issues of our heath such as neurocognitive pathologies... read more →
In this post i would like to talk about the red fruits. Since a lot of years we know that this type of fruit is rich in Vitamin C and... read more →
There is a lot of evidence that links a diet rich in antioxidants with differents phisiological benefits in our organism. For this reason in the past some investigators propòsed that... read more →
In this post i would like to talk about the blue fish. It is recommeded to consume fish several times per week , bouth white fish and blue fish. The... read more →
In this post i would like to talk about the miracle diets that are usually carried out after Christmas. It is usual that during this dates the people gain some... read more →
In this post i would like to tell you my opinion about veganism. There is enough scientific evidence to say that increasing the intake of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains,... read more →